
Join us here Sunday's at 10am for our online service

Our Mission

To glorify God through proclaiming the Gospel to our city and ourselves.

Our Vision

To spark a movement of Gospel-centered churches known for: Gospel empowered discipleship in authentic community, passionately pursuing those who don’t know Jesus, and unnatural generosity; multiplying throughout West Michigan and beyond.

Coffee Bean

Gospel empowered discipleship in Authentic Community

We desire that every day we would look more and more like Jesus!  We believe this happens as we lean into the work that God is already doing in our lives helping fight our sin by enabling us to love God and other people.  This happens best in a community of people who love like family, are honest about their sin, and remind one another of the Gospel. 

Coffee Bean

Passionately pursuing Those Who Don't know Jesus

Our mission is to share the message of Jesus’s perfect life, death for our sin, and new life-giving resurrection with the people that God has placed into our lives.  We will get outside our doors and meet friends, neighbors, and coworkers where they are to share and show them the love of Christ.

Coffee Bean

Unnatural Generosity

Jesus, the son of God, leaving heaven and taking on human flesh, in order to die that he might redeem us for himself, is the most generous action in the history of the world.  As we are conformed to be more and more like Jesus we will show generosity that pushes us beyond where we are comfortable both to our church family as well as our community.